Hi everyone. ...I've had a tough week but starting to let my rational head take control again lol....
Like serously what the Hell!
My mothrr and child want me to miss them and return to Jehovah. ...hmmm straight away I think of the script of jehovah asking people to serve him willingly and not under compulsion. ...with a whole heart. ...duh do they even read the scriptures themselves?
And my mothrr refusing to see me except under what she deems necessary buisness. .I.E when she is sick and needs a slave. ...
Where is HER Christian love
And if I'm suffering because of any of this ..well of course because I'M REAPING WHAT I SOWED apparently. ...
U gotta laugh. ...n maybe write a book or eat a mince pie or something. ..might even buy some xmas decorations.....